Python CI
Type checking
Next up is type checking. Since python is a dynamic language and type hints are, well, hints, it is entirely possible to write good type hints for a function but still ignore them. For example I can write a function that hints at a return type of a list[string], but in my code I can easily mix this with a list of integers and strings combined. Or, I can return a dictionary. It will still compile fine.
To make sure that the types are what you document it to be, we can use pyright.
uv add --dev pyright
To get pyright running we can run
uv run pyright .
name: Python Code Quality
on: [push]
lock_file: ...
linting: ...
formatting: ...
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [lock_file]
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: ./.github/actions/setup
- run: uv run pyright .